Once upon a time...

In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!

We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.

And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP

Thursday, March 26, 2009

today was not a good day!

We had a little episode last Friday where Wyatt thought it would be funny to run off in a shopping centre and thereby prematurely age Mummy by about 15 years (a year for every minute the little shit was gone). He bolted while I was putting Saxon in the trolley. After the first 5 minutes of searching and calling and not finding him, my brain switched from "where did he run off too" to "someone has taken him". We found him eventually. He was (literally) hiding in the toy dept. Because that's funny. Making mummy cry is also funny apparently. As you can imagine, by this stage, I was trying to give him away!

Anyway...we've had lots of big talks since then about behaviour etc, so this morning we thought we might try again.

Ha! We got out of the car at the supermarket and walked over to get a trolley. I put Saxon in and Wyatt was spinning around the bar showing me how clever he was. So I said "That's very clever, come on we have to go inside now". Well no...apparently Wyatt doesn't. Wyatt was going to stay in a busy car park and do gymnastics. After a few minutes arguing about it, he agrees to come with me... but he's going to walk ssssssllllllooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyyyy *insert me jumping up and down pulling my hair out* and proceeds to take almost a minute to go the length of a single car. My pleas of "Please Wyatt, just keep up with Mummy and be good" were met with screeches of "Don't talk to me!!!"

Well I'd had enough by then. I stuck the trolley back, got Saxon out of it, and dragged Wyatt back to the car, all the while he's screaming at me "I don't like you! You're not my best friend anymore!!!" GOOD! I don't want to be your best friend! I don't like you either! Of course being the mature adult that I am, I didn't actually say that. Well not very loudly anyway.

So then Saxon was screaming because he didn't want to get back in the car, and Wyatt was screaming because I'm not his best friend, and I wanted to scream because obviously the universe hates me, and some snotty cow with a bunch of older kids gives me the filthiest look ever - because apparently her kids were all born 15 yrs old and never threw a tantrum before.

So what was the lesson learned today? Don't leave home with toddlers. Ever. For any reason.

And because I'm not loving them so much at the moment I thought it might help me to look at them when they were still cute. And not quite so vocal.

Wyatt (Sept 2007)

Saxon 5 days old - my first time touching him since they took him away after he was born :o(



Anonymous March 27, 2009 at 10:31 AM  

Sounds about par for the course - they do get better eventualy but then the little buggers run off to Australia and we only get to see them electronicaly - make the most of them while you can

Love to all

Big John

A little about us...ok, mostly me...

Hey there! I'm guessing that most people who drop by to visit us here already know who we are, but just in case...

My name's Nikki. I'm mum to 4 (yeah, 4...can you believe it? No, me either *shudder*) kids, aged from 16 down to 4. My husband, Steff, is originally from the UK - I stole him away from the cold and the damp to live in Central Queensland, where he must endure almost endless sunshine and blue skies. Somehow he manages ;o)

I started this blog as a way to keep family in England up to date with our comings and goings. And it lets me show off how cute the kids are getting!

A little about me...I'm a professional photographer, I'm obsessive about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, love Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse (only book Sookie, not True Blood Sookie. It's an important distinction!), (the 10th) Doctor Who, cupcakes, and Spuffy fanfic (although not necessarily in that order). I'm also an extreme perfectionist with a love of the creative and original, who has a very low tolerance for stupidity. If you ask my husband, he'll tell you I'm a huge snob - I'm really not. I just think I'm better than everyone else :oP (That's a joke, ok? Pretty much).

Oh, and please leave a comment to tell me how fabulous you think I am...it makes me write faster and more often ;o) No really...that part wasn't a joke...
