Once upon a time...

In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!

We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.

And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's not special...

It's just a genetic anomaly. That's what my mothers doctor told her about the hole in their ears. She wasn't impressed lol. Mum has them in both ears, Gaige has one, Wyatt has two. Lucas also has one. So do a couple of other rellies (I think Mums cousin, Wayne? And their grandmother has one). So it's obviously hereditary. It's kinda cool...at least I know two of the kids are definitely mine! I've been asked many times if I pierced their ears.

Wyatt has it in each ear...

Gaige just has the one...I've been trying to get a good picture of this since he was born. It's only taken me 13 years.

Don't ask me what Gaige is doing in this pic. He's a strange child. I was playing with my speedlight (thank you Daddy-in-law!) and this is what I ended up with.

Oh, and check out our new table centrepiece! Isn't it original?

It was bad enough that the cat has decided to sleep in it all day...that's what I found after dinner.


Monday, April 27, 2009

No reason...

Just in case you forgot how stinkin' cute he is...


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lest we forget...

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

ANZAC Day, April 25th.

Gaige's first ANZAC day as a Navy cadet! He had 3 parades, including the dawn service. It has been so hot this weekend! April is usually mid to high 20's and really lovely, but it's been over 30 all weekend. We watched 6 kids drop from heat exhaustion - literally fell to the ground (the lucky ones were caught before they hit). Luckily, Gaige was a flag bearer (he and another cadet carried the RSL banner up the front of the parade - yeah, we're a little bit proud!) and they were standing apart from the others, and were in the shade.

He looks so grown up in uniform *sniff* and I feel so old wahhhhhhhhhh!!!

And the horsie...just because :oP

Nanna nearly cried at this one...

The rest of the troop.


And my ANZAC day 365 photo. The theme was "Peace".

I always thought I was pretty unpatriotic, but it's impossible to stand at an ANZAC Day service and not feel something. So I learned something about me that I never knew...I'm actually kinda proud to be Australian. Who knew?


Friday, April 24, 2009


Can't believe she's almost 6 months old already! She's such a sweetheart (I can say that because I wasn't the one she kept up til 3am this morning lol). She's already sitting, and gets up on all 4's and rocks back and forth...won't be long before she's crawling everywhere!

Isn't she the cutest?

Lilli Grace...


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Never talk religion with a 3 year old

It can never end well!

Wyatt: Why are there flowers everywhere? Who made them?

Mummy: God made them, because they're pretty and they smell nice.

Wyatt: I don't like them. I think they smell yuck! *insert spitting sounds here* Did he make the rocks and the dirt?

Mummy: Yes, he made everything. Even the animals and the people.

Wyatt: Wow! Is God magic??

Mummy: Well yeah...kinda.

Wyatt: Mummy! There he is! Over there! I see God!

*Picture council worker in fluro yellow shirt standing on side of road*

Mummy: Umm...that's not God sweetie...God is invisible.

Wyatt: Wowwwwww that's amazin'!

*Silence for a few minutes*

Wyatt: I've got a comic book at home. Do you want to read it Mummy? It's made out of paper. And God.

Mummy: Umm...ok. That sounds like fun.

Wyatt: It is fun. God makes good comic books. Listen to me singing you a song now.

I'm a little teapot short and stout, I fell off the wall and broke all in peices. And the big mummy teapot couldn't put the baby teapot back together again...

Did you like that Mummy? Did ya?

Mummy: It was a good song...but it's a bit sad isn't it? The baby teapot is all broken.

Wyatt: Yeah a bit. I'll sing you a happy teapot song now.

I'm a little pot short and stout, here comes a big crocodile that's going to eat me all up! *Voice change to rahhhh crocodile* Now the little teapot is all gone cuz I ate him up...

That was a happy song wasn't it, Mummy?

Mummy: Go to sleep Wyatt...please!?!

Wyatt: Mummy! Ya killin' me!!

Good thing he's so cute...



Saturday, April 18, 2009

Morning tea at Nanna's

Lucky Nanna and Grandad - they had all 6 of their great-grandchildren on Friday morning. I think it'll take til next Friday for Grandad to recover! I didn't take many photo's - I was scared for my cameras life surrounded by all the little monsters errr...angels :o)

"Look Mummy, I made glasses!" Wyatt with Lilli's toy...

And Lilli...watching Wyatt make glasses with her toys...

Just so you don't forget what a beautiful boy he actually is...

My little 70's reject baby...

I missed Gaige (hiding out in a bedroom), Grayson (sat at the table having tea and pikelets) and Lucas (moves way too fast to be seen by the naked eye!). I'll have to get them next time.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mmmmm tasty!

Steff had the gate off in the kitchen yesterday while he was working in there. Someone was very excited about being able to help himself to whatever was in the fridge...



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daddy is so jealous...

Of Saxon's shampoo commercial hair! Check out how long it's getting. He really really should have been a little girl. He's way too pretty for a boy.


And playing downstairs...he's such a cheeky little monkey!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Project 365, week 3.

Wooohoooo check me out! 2 whole weeks and I never missed a day.

The theme for week 3 is "Macro". Not too happy about that. I was hoping it wouldn't be chosen til later in the year to give me a chance to get my macro lens. I want this one: Nikon 105mm micro, you know...if anyone was looking to spend $1200 or so on me for no reason...just because I'm lovable. And cute. And say...I dunno...the mother of their children...

I don't think it's working. Damnit.

Happy Easter!

Hope Easter Bunny was generous this year. He was in this house. I think Saxon is going to be on a chocolate high for the next 6 months at least!

We've had a running game of "find the chicken" in our house for the last couple of days. As everyone who knows me well probably knows by now, I'm not the most naturally happy person in the world (I'm working in on it!). Because of that, my fantabulous husband is always doing little (and sometimes not so little) things to make me smile. His latest involves tiny yellow fluffy chicks planted all over the house. It started with one stuck in a capsicum in the fridge (I used it as my 365 photo a few days ago), and has gone from there. I've found them in the coffee jar, on the webcam, on my office shelves, sitting on top of my bedroom lamp, and a whole flock of them nesting on our wedding photo's in the hallway. Soooo cute...and they've definitely made me smile.




Saturday, April 11, 2009


If anyone has been following my 365 blog they might have seen a couple of these, but I think they're good enough to see twice :oP

Fresh from the oven...

All chickened up...

Just one...so cute! Yummy too ;o)


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Soooo busted!

I knew it! And now I have proof. My husband is cheating on me with some long legged blonde bitch. Here it is...photographic evidence. Check out the tongue - I can't compete with that.

Although, I'm willing to bet I smell better :oP


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What'd I tell you?

Made of awesome :oP

Well so far anyway. These are the toppers for my Easter cupcakes. Sooooo cute! I'll post the finished product on Friday :o)


Monday, April 6, 2009

And the theme for this week is...


My choice (I started Sunday's thread so I got to choose the theme), because I thought being Easter week, there should be food aplenty! Also, because I wanted to eat the ears and the butt off the bunnies guilt free :oP Ha, see you're going to have to go look now to see what I'm on about, aren't you? Just for the record, not claiming it as an original idea...I've seen it done in cartoon form and thought it'd be cute (and tasty!).

Oh, and I'm making Easter cupcakes for Friday morning tea at Nanna's, and they're going to be made of awesome (well they are in my head at least), so I wanted an excuse to show them off as well :o) Unless of course they end up sucking, in which case you won't be seeing them. I'll just describe them to you and pretend they were fabulous ;o)


Sunday, April 5, 2009

The future...

Of the Australian Navy.

Scared yet?



That we do have a girl...see?






Saturday, April 4, 2009


I did it! A whole week. Seven photo's. I know, I know...358 to go, but still - a whole week! Yay me!

That's all...

Seeya xx

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Because he's just so cute!

Some more photo's from Wyatt's "mini shoot" on Monday morning.










Oh no...he's not evil at all!

And because it wouldn't be Wyatt without a couple of outtakes!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4 days...

and 4 pictures so far. Wooohooo! Go team me! I'm so proud of myself. Only erm...361 to go! I'm really enjoying this whole thing. And the blogging part. I'm getting a little bit obsessive about blogging. I'm trying to be careful though, so I don't turn this from a "Look at the cute thing the kids did today" family blog into a "the nightmare that is the inside of my head" diary. I wouldn't do that to you, I promise!

And hey, speaking of cute things the kids did today - we obviously don't feed Saxon enough because this morning he tried to take a bite of his brother. Cute, right? Wanna see?

It's actually worse than this now. This was taken right after it happened, and the bruising hadn't come out yet. You can only faintly see the actual teeth marks, it looks more like he latched on and just gave him a giant hickey (see baby? He does take after you :oP). Either way, Wyatt wasn't impressed.

Who would have thought this could be so vicious?

Oh, and happy April Fools Day!


A little about us...ok, mostly me...

Hey there! I'm guessing that most people who drop by to visit us here already know who we are, but just in case...

My name's Nikki. I'm mum to 4 (yeah, 4...can you believe it? No, me either *shudder*) kids, aged from 16 down to 4. My husband, Steff, is originally from the UK - I stole him away from the cold and the damp to live in Central Queensland, where he must endure almost endless sunshine and blue skies. Somehow he manages ;o)

I started this blog as a way to keep family in England up to date with our comings and goings. And it lets me show off how cute the kids are getting!

A little about me...I'm a professional photographer, I'm obsessive about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, love Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse (only book Sookie, not True Blood Sookie. It's an important distinction!), (the 10th) Doctor Who, cupcakes, and Spuffy fanfic (although not necessarily in that order). I'm also an extreme perfectionist with a love of the creative and original, who has a very low tolerance for stupidity. If you ask my husband, he'll tell you I'm a huge snob - I'm really not. I just think I'm better than everyone else :oP (That's a joke, ok? Pretty much).

Oh, and please leave a comment to tell me how fabulous you think I am...it makes me write faster and more often ;o) No really...that part wasn't a joke...
