I'm in mourning...
My computer died. I killed it. Or rather, I maimed it. And it won't wake up wahhhhhhhhh!!!
I did a system restore, it didn't work so I undid it. Nothing I haven't done before. Only this time it didn't go as planned and now my poor computer is sick. And I'm shaking in my (stylish yet affordable) boots because my external HD died awhile ago and I haven't backed up my photo's in ohhhh I don't know how long...so if my computer never wakes up from it's owner stupidity induced coma, then I've lost at least a years worth of photo's. And if that happens I think I might just be suicidal.
Steff is at the incompetent computer shop now. Seeing if they can do something with my poor baby. I wish I could explain how I feel. Sick would be a good start. Like I'm gonna throw up even. I love my computer. Love it. People think I'm joking when I tell them this...I'm really not. When I don't have it, or my internet isn't working, I feel like I'm missing something...like a limb. I know, you're all thinking that's just ridiculous, but I don't care. It's like one of my children. Only it carries within it all my memories and all my hard work. So if I was to lose it...Well I just don't want to even think about that.
Also, I can't post my 365 photo's! I'm still taking them but can't edit and post them :o( This weeks theme is "Freestyle" - I can shoot whatever I like!! I just can't show you until we find someone capable of sorting out my mess.
Oh, and Happy Mothers Day to all the Aussie and US mums!! I got my Phaunt U course (Photoshop - which of course I won't be able to do if my computer isn't working in a hurry!), some new PJ's (Cookie Monster this year), a shoe money box (shopping fund), and a Super Mum coffee mug (even though Wyatt assures me I'm not a super hero). So far.
I'm going to go now. Sweep up the half a bag of chips Wyatt has crushed all over the living room floor, hang out some washing...you know, all that exciting stuff!
*Post edited by me due to grief induced typo-itis. And because I was just informed that when people with a history of clinical depression and mental illness make suicide jokes it's apparently "not cool". Sorry about that Sweetpea :oP
**Please note that I am NOT a liar. I did have every intention of sweeping up affore mentioned crushed chips from living rooms floor...I just got distracted, which led to chips still being on floor when Steff got home, and then Steff sweeping them up. So I did not in fact sweep the floor. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Stephan. :oP
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