Once upon a time...
In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!
We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.
And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP
Monday, May 25, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Lucas' Birthday Party...
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get these up! Found out the hard way that Telstra's "unlimited" broadband isn't so much with the unlimited, so we've had dial-up speed internet for a few days. But anyway...let's try and put that nasty memory behind us!
The birthday boy (this was one of his birthday pressies)...
How cute is this? Lucas and Saxon.
"Smile for Mummy, Rabbit..."
Umm...Lis? Who'd you get that jumping castle for?
Jumping castle...ball pit...party food...nahhhh! Wyatt just wanted to play with the clothes line!
Lilli was telling us something really funny here...
Isn't he cute? Even with a weapon...
The birthday boy helping himself to a cupcake...
The biggest kids at the party...Teagan and Adam.
Oh, and don't forget Chris...but I think he wore most of his.
My husband loves having a camera shoved in his face. Really he does.
Gaige looks really tall from down here...
I think it was all getting too much for Lucas...
Always up to something...
And look! Teagan bought her mop to the party! Oh wait...no...it's just Hercules :oP
A little demonstration on the dangers of alcohol... "Just a little bit won't hurt" they say...
But it does...and you end up doing things you would never have done sober. Like kissing strange men (or so I've heard...) And they really don't get stranger than this one.
Oh yes...you were soooooo busted!
Posted by Nikki at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Kicking Jane and Mary's Butt!
A story by Grayson and Sharlee
Once apon a time there lived a girl named Jane. She was a very popular girl too. NOT. She was a backstabbing female dog (bitch) from hell!!! She had no friends except for a dumb ass dog called Mary!!!!
But on the other side of town lived 2 girls called Sharlee and Grayson. Sharlee was very popular and that’s a fact! She was also very sporty and her favourite sports were basketball and soccer!!!
Grayson was not very sporty at all. She sometimes played soccer but not that much. She was best at playing computer games and chicken on the Sony (spy vs. spy). And maths, she could easily do this sum in a few seconds: 33418734 + 442146907564=442180326298 tadar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One day Sharlee and Grayson went to teach these dumb ass dogs a lesson. So Sharlee and Grayson hopped into their SUPER V8 FORD!! On their way there they had too much candy and coke so they were drunk on sugar. They hit 4 kangaroos, 3 wheelie bins, 9 mail boxes, 2 teletubbies, 7 teachers, 1 computer, 72 people (not dead, just badly hurt), 10 fax machines, 100 trees, 4883 signs (telling them to slow down), 45 cows, 54 birds (when they did a big jump that was 2837m high), 216 grandmas and 34 school principals!!!!!!!(They passed a lot of schools on the way).
* Some names were changed for legal reasons.
** We in no way condone the ownership of SUPER V8 FORD's.
*** We also don't condone the running down of teletubbies (or people...or fax machines).
**** I'm very impressed with the correct spelling and usage of "there" and "their"!
Posted by Nikki at 7:57 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Just playing...
Thought I'd try something different with one of Lucas' photos from today. I think I like it? I dunno...
Posted by Nikki at 11:51 PM 1 comments
Happy Birthday Lucas Dane!
2 whole years already! He's a big boy now *sniff*. And not as easy to photograph as he used to be, believe me!!
And this one is just so cute...Lucas let his balloon go and was sad because it floated away. Wyatt was patting him on the head and telling him it was all ok. Awww he's so lovely!
Posted by Nikki at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The divine Miss Lilli...
Where has the last 6 months gone? Seems just yesterday I was doing her Mummy's maternity pics, and now here she is - sitting up, crawling, pulling herself up to stand in her cot!! And she gets cuter every day :o)
It's Lucas' turn tomorrow. It's also his 2nd birthday! I'll see you then ;o)
Posted by Nikki at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Backing up...
No, not the computer. Me. You might have noticed that I like close up pics. Big shiny eyes, all that jazz. The problem with this is that I never take anything below the neck. And while I'd be happy if there were no photo's of me from the neck down, apparently people want photo's of their whole child - not just the head. Who knew?
So I've been making an effort to take a step (or 5) backwards and see what I end up with. I asked Wyatt very nicely (read: bribed) if I could take his picture today and he agreed (because he wanted to play with his unbrella and watering can and I was holding them both for ransom!).
Here's what we got...
Looks thrilled, doesn't he? (Todays 365 pic)
No, he's not tied to that post (although I have thought about it)...but check it out! All the way down to his feet!
No feet in this one though...
Backed up a bit more here...
All of him...
And because I really just can't help myself...
I like this in B&W too. I'm really loving B&W lately.
Finally claimed his prize!
I'm really pleased with them. We were down stairs (these were all taken in the driveway, it's really overcast today) for 10 minutes tops. Not bad, I thought.
Oh, and just so we don't forget exactly who we're dealing with here...
Posted by Nikki at 12:53 PM 0 comments