Once upon a time...

In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!

We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.

And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fuzzy and blue...

That's me, I'm fuzzy and blue
It's just the way I grew
Love being fuzzy and blue...

We had a near catastrophe this morning. We couldn't find Bebby. I knew he'd been in the car yesterday after school, and then we went to Lisa's and home. Daddy made an early morning trip to Lisa's to search for him, but no Bebby :o( We searched the house, the car, the yard, the freezer (he hangs out in there sometimes)...no Bebby. By this time we're panicking because what if he fell out in the school car park? Would someone put him in the lost and found, or would they think he was just a ratty old thing and throw him in the bin *shudder* just the thought is enough to fill us with dread. Just when a very stressed out Daddy was about to head to school to search bins, Grayson walks outside and says "There he is." And there he was. On the trampoline, but not on the mat where daddy had searched (even lifting safety pads in case he was hiding). No, Bebby was hanging over the top of the net. A more relieved family you've never seen. Bebby is almost a person. I sent Lisa a text to say we'd found him - her response? "Is he ok?". Lol. He. The blanket.

You see, Bebby is Wyatt's best friend. Has been since birth. I think I could probably count on one hand how many times he's left the house without Bebby in 5.5 years. Bebby has been to dreamworld, and Australia Zoo...and he had a wonderful time in England a couple of years ago.

He goes to school every morning (just to say goodbye!), and he waits patiently until its time to go back and pick him up every afternoon. He has his own profile on the PS3 and the Wii. We dare not sit on him ("Mummy! Get up get up! You're squishing Bebby's head!!!"). If he lets you hold him, then you know you're something pretty special. He's been the object of Show and Tell many times (although the other kids just don't appreciate him - they think he's just a blanket. Can you imagine??)

I wish we'd had the foresight to know how special Bebby was going to be. We would have bought 5 of them! Of course, by the time we realised that Bebby was "the one", they were long gone. Even so, Steff has gone into the store we bought him from at least once a week for the last 5 years "just in case" they have one there. I think it's too late now though. Bebby is Bebby. Anything else, even if it was identical, wouldn't be Bebby.

So enough words...it's picture time. Lots and lots of pictures...

Bebby's first photo's!

Bebby on holiday at Tambourine Mountain...

Napping with Daddy...

Mmmm breakfast...

Bebby makes everything better...

And he's cheeky!

And snuggly...


This is where he used to sleep all the time. Bebby over over shoulder, he'd rock himself to sleep...

Waiting for Daddy...

Boots and Bebby...ready to party!

Bebby meeting brand new Saxon...

And in Grandma's church in England...

Have Bebby - can sleep anywhere!

Cheeky again!

Baby Jasper...

Bebby helped him do his makeup...

I think this is my favourite...watching the boats. This is so Wyatt...


Lisa March 9, 2011 at 1:53 PM  

OMG... Bebby is such an awesome model! And OMG... Thank god we found him!

daddy March 9, 2011 at 8:23 PM  

thants my boy and his bebby :o)

A little about us...ok, mostly me...

Hey there! I'm guessing that most people who drop by to visit us here already know who we are, but just in case...

My name's Nikki. I'm mum to 4 (yeah, 4...can you believe it? No, me either *shudder*) kids, aged from 16 down to 4. My husband, Steff, is originally from the UK - I stole him away from the cold and the damp to live in Central Queensland, where he must endure almost endless sunshine and blue skies. Somehow he manages ;o)

I started this blog as a way to keep family in England up to date with our comings and goings. And it lets me show off how cute the kids are getting!

A little about me...I'm a professional photographer, I'm obsessive about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, love Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse (only book Sookie, not True Blood Sookie. It's an important distinction!), (the 10th) Doctor Who, cupcakes, and Spuffy fanfic (although not necessarily in that order). I'm also an extreme perfectionist with a love of the creative and original, who has a very low tolerance for stupidity. If you ask my husband, he'll tell you I'm a huge snob - I'm really not. I just think I'm better than everyone else :oP (That's a joke, ok? Pretty much).

Oh, and please leave a comment to tell me how fabulous you think I am...it makes me write faster and more often ;o) No really...that part wasn't a joke...
