Friendship is...
Not about how often you call, write or text. It's not about how much time you spend together. It's about knowing, without a doubt, that it doesn't matter if you spoke to them 5 minutes ago or 5 years ago, you're still there for one another when it counts.
I am truly blessed to have friends like this. The kind who get me. That know that even though I retreat into my hermit cave sometimes, I still love them to death. That I can see once a year (or once every 5 years!), and pick up right where we left off. The kind who don't get hung up on whose turn it is to call. The kind who aren't afraid to kick me occasionally to remind me that I'm being anti-social and need to get over myself :oP
The kind who love me as much as I love them...
We had an awesome weekend with Seila and Brookie! And seeing Tara and Sonia jump the sword was pretty freakin fabulous as well!
Tara and Sonia...awwww...
Tara was a happy panda :oP
Jumping (very sedately lol) the sword...
Scarlett! Seila and Brooke's new baby...
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