Have I mentioned lately...
How freaking AWESOME I am? No? Well I am. And now I'm not the only one who thinks so :oP
I had a phone call on Friday (several actually, missed ones...because my darling husband has a habit of turning off the volume when he's playing games on my iPhone, and doesn't turn it back on!). It was from one of the team at ROC Galleries. They're my new canvas lab. I kinda love them. Anyhow...remember this image of Lilli?
Well...they were off to "The Event" (big Nikon/Australian Institute of Professional Photography tradeshow), and they wanted an image for their display that was eyecatching. And would I mind so much if they used a huge canvas of MY image as their display? With full credit of course. Because it's just STUNNING (his words. I agree though :oP)
Would I MIND?? Are you freaking kidding me??? OMGGGGG!!!!!!!
So there you have it. I'm officially awesome.
(And Lilli ain't so bad either...)
OMG!! :) :) they should pay you!
it's a great photo!
I wonder what will come of having your photo at the tradeshow!! - I'm so excited for you!
Congratulations!!! I reckon you're freaking Awesome and so is my kid!!! LOL!!
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