Once upon a time...
In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!
We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.
And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP
Woooohoooooo! The Dimmocks are UK bound!
Tickets booked, deposit paid...there's no stopping us now! Don't worry though...you have time to make your escape ;o) It's not happening until August 2011. Last time we were there was Christmas 2007. Freezing! I, being born and bred in the tropics, do not do cold. At all. Cold to me is needing to turn the ceiling fan off at night. Which we have to do for like a week...maybe. Every 2nd year. When we have a cold snap.
Anywho...I digress! Quick recap - last time we were there it was cold. And it kinda sucked. The kids couldn't go outside, the 2yr old was sick from the rapid temp change (it was 35c+ when we left home and -2 when we landed in London!), and the baby was only 6 months old. It was a bit of a rush too...we were only there 2 weeks and had to fit a Christening and Christmas into that. This time, we have 3 weeks, warmer weather (please??), and no planned appearances :oP
We're there for my birthday (27).(again, yes), and our 8th wedding anniversary! Not doing too badly considering he only married me to stay in the country, right? *insert eye rolling smiley here*.
Kids will also be old enough to enjoy it, and the big ones old enough to babysit the little ones while mummy and daddy have some kid free time! Weeeeeeeeeee!! That's my favourite part, can you tell?
Updates will follow as it gets closer to the big day!
"Mummy, me got a ouchie on my hand and me need to go to the shop and buy a robot hand, and then me will have a robot hand. But don't worry, me won't be a robot. Me will just be Saxon with a robot hand"
He's a little bit mental.
How freaking AWESOME I am? No? Well I am. And now I'm not the only one who thinks so :oP
I had a phone call on Friday (several actually, missed ones...because my darling husband has a habit of turning off the volume when he's playing games on my iPhone, and doesn't turn it back on!). It was from one of the team at ROC Galleries. They're my new canvas lab. I kinda love them. Anyhow...remember this image of Lilli?
Well...they were off to "The Event" (big Nikon/Australian Institute of Professional Photography tradeshow), and they wanted an image for their display that was eyecatching. And would I mind so much if they used a huge canvas of MY image as their display? With full credit of course. Because it's just STUNNING (his words. I agree though :oP)
Would I MIND?? Are you freaking kidding me??? OMGGGGG!!!!!!!
So there you have it. I'm officially awesome.
(And Lilli ain't so bad either...)
I love cute stuff. I don't care if it's useless...so long as it's cute. If however, it has an actual purpose (other than making me go "awwwww") it's alot easier to justify to the husband :oP Even better - if I can justify it to the Taxation Dept!
So imagine my delight when I find that rarity that checks all 3 boxes!
Isn't it just so stinkin adorable??
And tiny? (That's the apple logo on my MacBook it's sitting beside - to give you a guide)
And look...usefull!! OMG I just might pop!
Wyatt: Mummy, why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: I have no idea. Why did the chicken cross the road, Wyatt?
Wyatt: I don't bloody know. That's why I'm asking you!