No...I'm not dead.
Just went AWOL for awhile there.
Anyways...alot has happened since I last posted. The biggest news it probably that Wyatt is now a big kindy boy. He'd been on the wait list for almost 18 months at a private kindy near us, and he finally got in! I was really worried about how he'd go, but he's been there a month now and we've had not a single tear. He loves it! Saxon has also started going to daycare one day a week with Lucas, so I have a whole day (well more like 5 hours, but anywho...) kid free.
The big kids are going well. Busy with school and cadets etc. And Steff is still working way too hard, but unfortunately if we want to eat, we can't do much about that.
I'm seriously working towards starting my very own business. I refuse to be rushed into it though. It's not going to happen overnight, because I want it done right. "Good enough" is not good enough for me. I am, as ever, the queen of details, and each of those details needs to be perfect.
Anyway...enough of my babbling. I know you're only here for the pretty pictures. Please excuse the randomness of these...
My pretty boys
An old one of Saxon I found the other day. I think it was taken in May.
Grayson just the other day. I was playing with my new lens.
Saxon wearing Lilli's hat.
Wyatt did his own lippy...can you tell?
Saxon was sick and this is how he fell asleep on the couch. I had to take a photo (I'm cruel like that), and the one on the right is what he did when he heard the shutter click. Didn't move at all though.
Oh cuteness! Lilli Grace.
Grayson and Lilli telling secrets. Obviously funny ones.
Lucas Dane. He has the most serious little face.
Lilli's made in Australia bum.
Awwww cousins...Lucas and Wyatt having a cuggle.
Daddy and Saxon feeding the turtles at the gardens.
He was NOT a happy little vegemite.
Looks impressed doesn't she?
Another one from back in May...
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