Let's go on a little tour...
Around Gladstone.
Since I've been doing my 365, I look at things a little differently than I used too. And I noticed yesterday that I have several photo's taken from almost the same place at night and during the day. Gladstone is an industrial town. It's a very clean, pretty town to counteract the grotty industry, but it can't hide it completely.
But when the sun goes down, Gladstone becomes a little fairyland of lights. I've never noticed before, but looking through a lens has really made me open my eyes to the place I've lived almost all my life.
Oh, and if you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know that Lisa and I have been carted off to jail on suspicion of terrorist activities, what with all the sneaking around in the dark taking photo's of potential "places of interest" :oP
QAL - Queensland Aluminia. Disgustingly grotty aluminia plant that cause no end of damage to paint work all over town with its caustic fallout. Yet from a distance...
And at night it's even prettier...
A bit closer...
The harbour, taken from Auckland Hill...
I'm getting a bit obsessive about night time photography and long exposures (which you would know if you've been following my 365!), so you can definitely expect more!
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