Lest we forget...
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
ANZAC Day, April 25th.
Gaige's first ANZAC day as a Navy cadet! He had 3 parades, including the dawn service. It has been so hot this weekend! April is usually mid to high 20's and really lovely, but it's been over 30 all weekend. We watched 6 kids drop from heat exhaustion - literally fell to the ground (the lucky ones were caught before they hit). Luckily, Gaige was a flag bearer (he and another cadet carried the RSL banner up the front of the parade - yeah, we're a little bit proud!) and they were standing apart from the others, and were in the shade.
He looks so grown up in uniform *sniff* and I feel so old wahhhhhhhhhh!!!
And the horsie...just because :oP
Nanna nearly cried at this one...
The rest of the troop.
And my ANZAC day 365 photo. The theme was "Peace".
I always thought I was pretty unpatriotic, but it's impossible to stand at an ANZAC Day service and not feel something. So I learned something about me that I never knew...I'm actually kinda proud to be Australian. Who knew?
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