Happy (UK) mothers day!
Yeah I know...late again! To be fair though, Mothers Day in Australia isn't until May, so if you look at it that way, I'm way early! And Grandma got flowers! A day late, but still...I hope they were pretty :o) And Saxon sends a "kiss blow" to everyone...
And just because I love the expression on his face! He's so funny. After every photo he has to look at the LCD and he does this big gasp and giggles when he sees himself.
And Wyatt has been practicing his Photoshopping skills. Not bad for a 3 yr old, right? Better than most of the "professional" photographers in this town anyway...none of them would know how to post process a photo if Photoshop jumped up and bit them on the arse. Sorry...kind of went off on a tangent then, didn't I? It's a bit of a pet peev of mine. I'll shut up now :oP
And how he did look before his big brother cloned teeth into his eyebrow...
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