headjob, anyone?
Aha! That got your attention, didn't it?
I, being the domestic goddess / mother of the year that I am (Stop laughing. Seriously. Oh my God! STOP!), decided to make some yummy chocolately goodness for the children the other day. I had a couple of open packets of biscuits that were going to go stale, so I made hedgehog slice. Surprisingly, Mr Fussy Pants (aka Wyatt Zane) really liked it. So much so that while I was in the kitchen he yells at the top of his voice "Mummy can I have some more of that headjob you gave me? I really liked that!".
Yeah. Good, hey? Luckily it was a hot day and the windows were all shut with the A/C on. Can just imagine the neighbours hearing that!
It appears I won't be alone in my jail cell though...I shared this over at my parenting forum and found a few potential cell mates. Most notably Lee, whose niece really likes "chocolate crackwhores" at birthday parties instead of chocolate crackles, and Cass, whose little girl likes "porn"! Can just imagine the look on Papa's face when she announced that, before mum and dad explained she actually meant prawns!
Aren't kids wonderful?
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