Once upon a time...

In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!

We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.

And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yes...I suck.

I've been a little busy for the last few months, and unfortunately my other blogs have taken priority over this one. I'll try to do better though, I promise!

In any case...I hope everyone is having the merriest of Christmasses (is that a word?), and that your new year is nothing but happy :o)

A few recents of the kids...



Together (make the most of this one...doesn't happen often!)


Dressed as Elroy Jetson...

Dressed himself!


Saying "cheese"!

And on his bug bike...

I'll try not to leave it so long between visits in future, but please check out my 365 blog and my IPQ Art blog. They're updated often :o)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A word of warning...

This is a rather touchy subject for me. I'm NOWHERE near seeing the funny side of this situation. In fact, I highly doubt that I ever will. So please refrain from the following...

a) Making "witty" remarks. I won't think you're clever. Or funny. Not even a little bit.
b) Telling me that it's "only" hair and it'll grown back. It will NOT make me feel better.
c) Telling me that it's about time he had a haircut anyway because he looked like a girl. Yeah...steer WAY clear of that one.
d) Telling me he's still cute and you even like it better like this. Just DO NOT go there.

The above recommendations will stay in place for ohhh...I reckon forever? Yeah. Forever is good for me.

Apparently Wyatt has "always wanted to be a hairdresser", and decided to begin his apprenticeship on Saturday morning.

What Saxon looked like last week...

What Saxon looked like by Saturday afternoon...

Yeah...freakin hilarious.

What Saxon looks like now...

I don't even have the words to express how utterly heart sick I am over this.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Father's Day...

To all the Aussie dads :o) Just a couple of photo's today.

The cupcakes Wyatt took for "Father's Night" at kindy. With sugar cookie french fries :o) I made it all, including the packaging!

And the best father of all...my wonderful, beautiful, amazing husband. I *heart* him so much! (Not a new pic...it was taken in Hervey Bay in July, but I love it, so I'm posting it again).

And making out with Saxon for my 365 a few weeks ago...

And yesterday...this is pretty much how our life is...

I hope all the dad's out there had a lovely day :o)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Macro madness

I've been lusting after a macro lens for a long time now. And because I have the most amazingly wonderful beautiful loving husband...I now have one. It's an early anniversary pressie, and I'm so in love with it already. I haven't done anything spectacular with it yet. I only got it 2 days ago. I'm desperate for it to rain here so we can have something green to photograph. Our yard is a dust bowl...does not make for the most appealing pictures.

So here's a few that I have so far...nothing fantastic, just some daffodils I bought and a couple others from Nanna's garden. But I can see the potential...and I'm very excited about it.

No...I'm not dead.

Just went AWOL for awhile there.

Anyways...alot has happened since I last posted. The biggest news it probably that Wyatt is now a big kindy boy. He'd been on the wait list for almost 18 months at a private kindy near us, and he finally got in! I was really worried about how he'd go, but he's been there a month now and we've had not a single tear. He loves it! Saxon has also started going to daycare one day a week with Lucas, so I have a whole day (well more like 5 hours, but anywho...) kid free.

The big kids are going well. Busy with school and cadets etc. And Steff is still working way too hard, but unfortunately if we want to eat, we can't do much about that.

I'm seriously working towards starting my very own business. I refuse to be rushed into it though. It's not going to happen overnight, because I want it done right. "Good enough" is not good enough for me. I am, as ever, the queen of details, and each of those details needs to be perfect.

Anyway...enough of my babbling. I know you're only here for the pretty pictures. Please excuse the randomness of these...

My pretty boys

An old one of Saxon I found the other day. I think it was taken in May.

Grayson just the other day. I was playing with my new lens.

Saxon wearing Lilli's hat.

Wyatt did his own lippy...can you tell?

Saxon was sick and this is how he fell asleep on the couch. I had to take a photo (I'm cruel like that), and the one on the right is what he did when he heard the shutter click. Didn't move at all though.

Oh cuteness! Lilli Grace.

Grayson and Lilli telling secrets. Obviously funny ones.

Lucas Dane. He has the most serious little face.

Lilli's made in Australia bum.

Awwww cousins...Lucas and Wyatt having a cuggle.

Daddy and Saxon feeding the turtles at the gardens.

He was NOT a happy little vegemite.

Looks impressed doesn't she?

Another one from back in May...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Yes...another one!

Blog that is. Just can't help myself! No really...this one is my "I'm not in business yet but I'm starting to get my name out there" blog. The plan is that by the time I'm ready to go pro, I'll have a waiting list of potential clients all ready to go. So far so good! It also gives me somewhere to display my work that doesn't contain any personal info. Clients don't need to know that Wyatt is now fully toilet trained (wooohoooo!) or that Grayson has tie-dyed hair (NOT wooohooo!). But please please PLEASE!!!! check all 3 blogs regularly. Particularly the 365 blog. It's updated daily without fail. Even though I do double up sometimes, I don't like to do it too often, so if you're only reading this one you're going to miss out on quite a few photo's of the kids.

And if you want to leave a comment...well that would be nice too. I spend quite a chunk of time doing all of this, from the actual taking of the photo's through to posting them on whichever blog they're destined for. And yes, I do it for the enjoyment I get out of it, but that doesn't mean I don't like a bit of acknowledgement occasionally. And to those of you who do leave a kind word from time to time...thank you! You make my day. You really do!

Right now, where was I? Oh that's right...new blog.

IPQ Art & Photography

If you look up, right underneath the "Dimmock's Down Under" banner up the top, you'll see the links for my other blogs. Just to make it easy for everyone to follow them :o)


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some recents...

We've had a busy couple of weeks. The boys birthday's, the big kids going to Cairns, Steff and I went to Hervey Bay for 4 days last weekend, and he's had the last week off work as well. So I haven't been posting as often as I like too. I never miss a day on my 365 though, and really, that's the important one. Hopefully you're all following it as well. If not, you're missing out! I post photo's over there that never make it here. I try not to double up too much.

Anyway...I'll shut up because I know you're really here for the photo's :o)

The sky over the Urangan Pier at Hervey Bay on Sunday night. Amazing. This is straight out of the camera...just resized.


Why yes...I am very easily amused. Childers.

Our little village person...


Wyatt helping Daddy with the beetle...




Lisa and Lilli came to visit today...She'll probably kick me for these :oP There's more of Lilli on my 365 blog. She made it in twice this week.


And one from the other day...

That'll do...it's late. Night! xx

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lisa's Canvas

For awhile now Lis has been wanting something to go on her feature wall in their living room. This was our 365 pic from Friday night...it just screamed BIG! So it's being printed as a 40 x 26 inch gallery wrap canvas to hang above their couch. At the time, I was a bit disappointed in the lack of glorious sunset colours because of the overcast sky, but looking at it now, I don't think it could have been more perfect :o)



Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

Our baby was 4 yesterday *sniff* Sorry I'm a day late, but I haven't been feeling too great.

Just a few recents of the birthday boy...




And a couple of the midget, just so he doesn't feel left out...

Saxon,Phaunt U,Lesson 19

Saxon,Phaunt U,Lesson 20

Saxon,365,Negative space


Just one of Gaige today...

And my poor camera shy little girl *rolls eyes*





The big kids flew to Cairns this morning to spend the school holidays with their Dad. It's going to be soooo quiet without them! I hope they have a good time. I'm sure they will...they'll be up there trying to sucker their father into spending his life savings on DS games for them :oP


A little about us...ok, mostly me...

Hey there! I'm guessing that most people who drop by to visit us here already know who we are, but just in case...

My name's Nikki. I'm mum to 4 (yeah, 4...can you believe it? No, me either *shudder*) kids, aged from 16 down to 4. My husband, Steff, is originally from the UK - I stole him away from the cold and the damp to live in Central Queensland, where he must endure almost endless sunshine and blue skies. Somehow he manages ;o)

I started this blog as a way to keep family in England up to date with our comings and goings. And it lets me show off how cute the kids are getting!

A little about me...I'm a professional photographer, I'm obsessive about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, love Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse (only book Sookie, not True Blood Sookie. It's an important distinction!), (the 10th) Doctor Who, cupcakes, and Spuffy fanfic (although not necessarily in that order). I'm also an extreme perfectionist with a love of the creative and original, who has a very low tolerance for stupidity. If you ask my husband, he'll tell you I'm a huge snob - I'm really not. I just think I'm better than everyone else :oP (That's a joke, ok? Pretty much).

Oh, and please leave a comment to tell me how fabulous you think I am...it makes me write faster and more often ;o) No really...that part wasn't a joke...
