My new baby...
Or more accurately titled "I have the best husband in the history of the world".
A couple of days before Christmas my fabulous, wonderful, amazing husband came home with an enourmous gift wrapped box. It was my Christmas pressie. He told me that if I could guess what was in it, I could have it straight away. If I guessed wrong I wasn't allowed to ask for hints or even mention it again until Christmas morning. Well, I couldn't think of a single thing that it could be that would be that I just said "camera". Wishful thing, and I was going to get it wrong anyway...
Then he gives me the box.
So I open up this lawn mower sized box and find that it was indeed a lawn mower box! No mower in sight though. Wrapped up in 30 odd metres of paper and stuffing was a gold box. I don't think I breathed for a few minutes. I only just barely managed to not cry.
I'm now the proud owner of a Nikon D700, which is just about as good as it gets in the camera world. It's my dream camera. It's so amazing I'm almost scared to touch it. Definitely a grown up toy! Just a little bit of pressure slacking off when $4000 worth of camera is sitting in front of me. I'm so not worthy of it, but I'm working on it!
Ok, so Steff thinks I'm crazy, but photographers would understand! This was taken at ISO 3200. My D80 wouldn't even GO that high, and if it had of the pics would have been so grainy they'd have been unusable anyway. But this is completely untouched. On the right is the picture, just cropped and resized, and on the left is a 100% crop of the lashes. Look how sharp that is?!? And almost NO noise! It was love at first click *sigh*.
And Saxon and Grayson... colours are perfect straight out of the camera.
Can't decide if I prefer the colour or the B&W.
dont I just have the most beautiful grandchildren in the entire universe (I am not biased at all)!
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