Once upon a time...
In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!
We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.
And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP
Isn't he adorable? The tooth fairy came last night. You've never seen a child so excited about losing a tooth.
But then there's the other side. Let me tell you a story...
Saturday afternoon. We went for a bike ride and play at the park with Alexa and Flynn. The boys had been told earlier that they could have a Happy Meal from McDonald's on our way home. So we hop into the car, and Saxon, being the competitive little toad that he is (gee, wonder where he gets that from?), starts yelling about beating Fiona out of the car park. I had to txt Daddy, so we weren't moving fast enough for Mr Cranky. He starts screeching at the top of his lungs "Just hurry up so we beat them, ya big BABY!!!".
No Happy Meal for you.
So we drive home to a woeful chorus of "Happy Meal...I want my Happy Meal". On repeat. Awesome.
We arrive at home and after yelling a bit more he tells me...
"When I'm a big kid, I'll go to Macca's by myself! In my own car! With my own money! And I'll buy my own Happy Meal!
And then I'll smack you out, because you'll be old and won't be able to run fast to get away!!"
See? What'd I tell ya?
Freakin adorable ;o)
Gaige and Grayson - 1998
Wow…what a year we’ve had! To be honest, I’m kinda glad to see the back of it. I’m so ready to start fresh! New year, new attitude, new outlook on life.
2013 is going to be all about gratitude. So much of my life has been overshadowed by wishing, wanting and dreaming about what I DON’T have…I think it’s about time to focus on what I DO. And what I do have is kinda awesome.
Amazing husband, gorgeous healthy kids, loving family, roof over our heads and food on our table. Everything else is a bonus.
I know I’ve slacked off when it comes to blogging…I barely pick my camera up outside work hours these days. But I'm working on that! I’m not making any promises…because let’s face it, new attitude or not, I’m still me, and me is kinda hopeless some days ;o) BUT…I’m going to make an effort.
So welcome to the new year!