Saxon speak.
For a long time, our littlest monkey didn't say much at all. He's certainly making up for it now though. He talks...and talks...and talks some more. And then occasionally, just to shake things up a little...he yells. LOUDLY! Through all of this though, he's very economical with his words. As in one word often has several different meanings, depending on the context. For example...
Lola: Almost anything with 4 legs. Cow, pig, dog, and the occasional fish.
Maxxy: A dog that's not Lola.
Meow: Cat.
Nanna: Any adult relative that isn't Mummy or Daddy. Occasionally extends to "Nannadad".
Dinkle: Chocolate chips. Or the things on your fingers after you've spent an hour in the bath - "Waahhhhhhhh MUMMMYYYY my fingers are all dinkelly!!"
Elmoo: Furry little red guy who hangs out on Sesame St, and also the part of your arm between your hand and your shoulder.
Yay: Yes, yeah, yep, ok. He actually started saying "Yeah" a few weeks ago. But don't worry...only took me a few days of (un?)correcting before he went back to "yay". Now when I say yes to him he corrects me "Say Yay Mummy!"
My yove you soooo much Mummy: I want something.
Daddy say NO! (or Yay!): I'm going to keep doing whatever it is I'm doing and tell you that Daddy said I'm allowed too.
I not yove it!(usually accompanied by a "hmph" sound and crossed arms: I really hate that.
Yabby/Brother/Wyatt did it: I did it, but I'd rather you yelled at them :oP
Yabby: Grayson aka Rabbit/Rabby.
Brother: Gaige. Wyatt also calls him Brother.
Magic Word: Please.
Ta-pease: Thank you.
Beeboo: Boobie or belly button.
But he's so cute...seriously. I could just burst sometimes, I love him so much. And he has his Daddy wrapped around that tiny little finger so tight!
Sharing the remains of Lilli's lollipop at the park last week... (other photo's from this session can be found over on my biz blog. The link is up the top there).
His "Froggy" that they found on the front steps after school the other day. Wyatt ran away screaming like a big girl, but Grayson caught him and Saxon loved him! Poor little guy couldn't hop away fast enough...