Once upon a time...
In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!
We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.
And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP
Wyatt tested the theory yesterday. He was on the verandah (remember, high set house - verandah + railing is roughly 12 feet) out the front. I was inside watching him through the window. I watched him pick up the kitten, carry him to the edge, and throw him over the edge. I think I've only just now stopped shaking. I felt sick for the rest of the day. God only knows how the cat must have felt. He's alive though...seems ok. Don't know how many lives he used up in the process.
But it's ok...because he said sorry!
We've had a lot on this month already, and it's only halfway done.
Last Saturday, Steff and I drove to Brisbane. That's approx 600km's south of home. All the brats stayed home with Mama for 3 whole nights!! I wish I could say we were heading off for a fun filled holiday, but alas...no. Monday morning Steff was having his implants put in his jaw for his new teeth. So OUCH! One up the top, and 2 down the bottom. We'd been told pain would be "minimal". HA! Now my husband handles pain very well. He just keeps going. He's a grumpy shit (shhh I never said that), but he isn't the type to lay down and suffer it out. Not so this time. It was bad bad BAD!
Luckily, we got all the important stuff done before Monday. Like shopping at IKEA! Went in to get an office chair, came out $600 poorer. Oops. I love IKEA. It's cheap and cheerful. A bit like me :oP Only wait...no...nothing like me.
We also decided on the way home that we might move to Gympie. It's a couple hours north of Brisbane. Quiet little country town, very green. Nothing there, and Steff couldn't get anywhere near the kind of money he earns up here, but for the same money we could sell our house for here, we could buy acreage down there. And it's much closer to the bright lights and big city. We both really love Brisbane. I suppose if we lived there the novelty would wear off, but it's nice to be able to decide at midnight you want dinner, and have places actually be open! Gladstone isn't like that. They roll up the sidewalks here by 9pm. After that, all you'll get is Macca's.
Of course, we're not going anywhere really. But it's nice to dream, right?
I'm very excited today. My office was started this morning. At the moment, my "office" consists of a desk and filing cabinet in the corner of the dining room. I have very little work space and it's really frustrating. But soon I'm going to have a whole room! A very small room, granted...but still...a room! Will post photo's when it's done.
Because we've been so busy I've hardly taken any photo's in the last couple of weeks. I did however snap a few of Saxon the other day. I had to do all them for headlice (*shudder* - almost makes me want to home school!), and Saxon looked so different to how he usually does with his hair all slicked back. He had a lollypop to keep him occupied and off the couch until I rinsed his hair out.
Licking is his *thing* at the moment. He licks everything. It's very funny.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't intentionally doing what it looks like he's doing. But then again, with a brother like Wyatt, you just never know!

That's all for today. The boys have been playing under the sprinkler and now they need a bath so they can have dinner at Macca's. Wyatt's choice - the big kids are both having sleepovers at friends houses, so it's just the little ones tonight.
A little conversation between Daddy and Wyatt...to set the scene, Steff was sitting on the floor in the lounge and Wyatt was climbing all over him like a spider monkey (nothing unusual there).
Steff: Owwww Wyatt be careful, you stood on Daddy's doodle.
Wyatt: Daddy! That's not a doodle. It's a winky. And its name is Trevor!
Steff: What? No it's not!
Wyatt: Yes Daddy, it is. All winkies are named Trevor.
Picture me by this time rolling around the floor laughing at them.
So there you have it. The story of Trevor. Bet that made your day! :oP
Did I have so many children? Or really, why did I have the middle two? One would think the age difference between Grayson and Wyatt (just under 7 yrs) would be enough to ensure that they didn't team up to become the holy terrors that they are together.
One would also think that the 10 yr old would be mature enough to stop the 3 yr old when he attempts to put the kitten in the (inflatable) pool.
One would be very wrong.
Not only did she let him put the kitten in the pool...she told him to put the kitten in the pool. She then removed the kittens claws from the inflatable ring that keeps the pool up without saying a word about the 6 (yes... SIX!) holes that were left in it.
An hour later she mentions casually that it appears the pool *might* be going down a bit because *maybe* Jasper put his claws through the plastic. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
So Steff had to come home from work (first day back after 2 weeks holiday *sniff*) to patch the pool before we had yet another flood in our front yard. Don't be fooled when I say inflatable paddle pool that this thing is small - it's 12 feet across and 2 feet deep. That's ALOT of water.
Dumb and Dumber have been separated and sent to opposite ends of the house for the rest of the day, and banned from using the pool until I decide to let them back in. Gaige has run away to Izaak's for the day and will probably never come home, and poor little Saxon is just sitting on the couch eating his pretzels and watching the other 2 get yelled at. He smiles at me so sweetly and all I can think is that in 2 years, it's going to be him getting yelled at for trying to drown the cat...and it makes me kinda sad :o(
We'll use stronger tape! He managed to get this piece off way too easily :o/

How Saxon looked on the very last day of 2008. Isn't he so pretty? I don't know which 'do I like most - the Farrah flick, or the Pebbles pigtail.