Once upon a time...
In a land far far away, there lived a king and a queen and their four beautiful children... Unfortunately they were way too boring to write about, so you're all stuck with the Dimmock's instead!
We're a bit of a fractured fairytale.I can't promise to update every day...I'm a bit slack like that (shhh), but I'll do my best to keep it up.
And they all lived happily ever after...well that's the plan at least :oP
Bye bye terrible 2's...hello terrific 3's! Hey, I can dream, can't I? I know I'm deluding myself. But he's asleep right now, so I can in all honesty say that he's absolutely perfect at this moment :oP
We had a lovely day. This morning we went to a play center so Wyatt could play on his favourite thing ever - the jumping castle. Daddy even popped out of work for an hour to surprise him. Brother and Rabby got a day off school as well, at Wyatt's request. It just happened that it's the last week of school before the holidays and not much work gets done this week, so they didn't miss anything.
After that we came home for Saxon's sleep time, and mummy got to decorate the birthday cake. They're having a big (hopefully) flash cake for their party on Sunday, so this was just a little one for the family tonight.
Mama, Nanna, Grandad, Lisa, Teagan and Lucas came for pizza and birthday cake. Grandad was a bit tired...he's been to Brisbane today to see the eye specialist, but I think he enjoyed playing trains with his great-grandsons.
We're all very excited (I say all...but mostly it's the girls!) because Lisa found out today that she's having a GIRL!! Yay!! Pink pink and more pink! Steff keeps reminding me that it's not mine...he's such a spoilsport. But that's ok...it means I get the best bits. I can play dressups with a baby girl and give it back when I'm done :o)
The birthday boy. Cute, isn't he? And his cake...not my best work, but he was happy with it :o)
The birthday present...
And more...
I've been a bit slack this week. Sorry! Hopefully it's been worth the wait...but be warned before scrolling...these images are NOT for the faint hearted! All I can say is that they better all hope the wind doesn't change ;o)
Saxon getting in on the action...this is his Grandpa face. I think the family resemblence is uncanny in this one! He's our favourite child...at least until he can answer back.
The terrible 2 yr old himself... this is his "scary face".
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
I've been a little bored today so Saxon got a digital makeover. He's just too cute for words!
...even though I gave Saxon blood?
Um...I'll have to get back to you, Wyatt. When I'm not holding your screaming baby brother who's just been cracked across the head with a Spiderman bowl, and is indeed bleeding.
We hear that alot these days... "Do you still love me?" ...it's always followed by "even though I...(insert devillish stunt here)". So far just today we've had "peed on the floor", "broke your bowl", "fed Saxon bubbles" (just don't ask!)...and it's only 1pm. And really, who could say no to him? Tempting as it is at times!
The "victim".
The "Yes, I know I'm horrible but you love me because I'm just so damn cute you can't resist me and I think it's funny" face. And the "It's not fair" face. Notice the crossed arms? Nice touch, don't you think?
Right now he's doing naked acrobatics on the couch. I'll spare you all photo's of that one!
So Wyatt told everyone he passed at K-mart yesterday.
Messy Saxon about to get in the bath after dinner. We spend alot of time in the bathroom these days.
Let me tell you about my Thursday...
Saxon woke from his morning nap so off I went to get him up. Wyatt was happily watching ABC2 on the couch. In the 5 minutes it took me to get Saxon out of bed and change his nappy Wyatt had taken himself into the kitchen (such a clever boy...he can now open the baby gate!) and helped himself to a drink of water. What's so bad about that? I hear you say. Ordinarily nothing...but today he decided it'd be nice to have blue water (we'll thank his sister for that little brainwave...but that's a whole other story!). He used an entire bottle of blue food colouring to achieve it. I had blue cupboards, blue floor...blue kid!
So I grabbed him and dropped him in the bathtub to try and soak him clean. Saxon, meanwhile, had crawled in beside me and was standing up holding the side of the bath thinking it was highly amusing to have a blue brother. Wyatt was brushing his (also blue!) teeth in the bath and I ran out to wipe the floor clean so they didn't end up walking/crawling in it and make more of a mess.
While I'm doing that (at lightning speed because they obviously can't be trusted) the cat starts making strange noises. I turn around just in time to see him vomit all over the dining room floor. And you'll never believe what colour it was! Yes...the little darling had fed the cat. And poured blue food colouring all over the cat food...because Milo likes it's like that apparently.
So there you have it. Blue kitchen. Blue child. Even blue cat puke. I was really loving my life yesterday!
Here he is...Sneaky Smurf!